Thursday, 12 December 2013


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu

Im currently raising money for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Their suffering isnt unknown to anyone and as winter approaches they are in need of help even more in shaa Allaah.

They are suffering from extreme weather conditions at the moment and as we all know many are losing their homes everyday.

Here in the UK we struggle with the weather conditions yet we have a roof over our heads, warm clothes and heating alhamdulilaah.  In Palestine the basic right to having a home is taken away from them on a daily basis.

Imagine the young children who have lost their homes and have to deal with the bitter cold and very little shelter. We have already seen what the weather has done to a child in Syria. Let's come together and stop anymore children dying in shaa Allaah

Our target is £2000 in shaa Allaah!

I sincerely ask you to donate whatever you can even if its £1 and share this with everyone you know.


Monday, 18 November 2013


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu

Alhamdulilaah we have managed to raise £700 of our £3000 target for the food packages.

We still need to raise another £2300 in order to feed the 100 extremely poor families. Please dont think for a second that these families are not in dire need. By Allaah they are suffering from extreme poverty.Most of them are not even able to pay for medical treatment if they are sick. They struggle to feed their children and provide them with decent clothing.

A widow amomgst the villagers who is suffering along with her 4 children is one of the most extreme cases I have heard about subhanAllaah.  She has very little food to feed her young children and has to desperately find ways of making money in order to clothe and feed her kids. They go without basic essentials and sometimes even food.
By donating just £30 you can provide them with a food package that will get them through the cold winter In shaa Allaah. It will provide the kids who see their parents struggling to feed them, with food to eat.

For the sake of Allaah give whatever you can. We have it easy compared to them.  Alhamdulilaah we have a proper roof over our heads and good food to eat. While they struggle everyday just to gather enough food to feed themselves.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

Beware of stinginess, for those who came before you were destroyed because of stinginess. It commanded them to be miserly, so they were miserly; it commanded them to cut family ties, so they cut them; and it commanded them to be immoral, so they were immoral. 

[Reported by Abu Dawood, (2/324); Sahih al-Jami, (no. 2678]

When it comes to miserliness, the person whose eemaan is weak can hardly give anything for the sake of Allaah, even when there is an honest appeal and it is quite obvious that his brothers in Islaam are suffering the impact of poverty and are striken by disaster. There is no more eloquent statement on the matter of miserliness than the words of Allaah:

Behold! You are those who are called to spend in the Cause of Allah, yet among you are some who are niggardly. And whoever is niggardly, it is only at the expense of his ownself. But Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), and you (mankind) are poor. And if you turn away (from Islam and the obedience of Allah), He will exchange you for some other people, and they will not be your likes.

[Muhammed 47:38]

Lets come together as an ummah and feed 100 families this winter.


Sunday, 20 October 2013



"And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,  [Saying], "We feed you only for the countenance of Allah . We wish not from you reward or gratitude." SOORAH AL-INSAN 76:8-9

Having traveled and witnessed the living conditions of our brothers and sisters living in Moroccan villages, I can honestly say that some of them are living in the most terrible conditions I have ever seen. The majority are so poor that they live in basic tin houses with very little food and clothes. Many suffer from illnesses but cannot afford to buy medicine or visit a good doctor. Their houses are so fragile and poorly built that when it rains the water travels through into the house as well as the winter cold.

This being our biggest project yet, we aim to feed 100 families during the winter. We want to be able to provide them with food packages to help them get through the winter and to ease one less burden upon them in shaa Allaah.

Each food package costs £30 and will provide them with the following;

A big sack of flour
2 kg of rice
5 ltr of oil
2 kg of lentils
2 kg of potato
1 kg of white beans
1 kg of tomato
1 kg of salt
Big bag of washing powder to wash their clothes

To feed 100 families we need to raise £3000 to ensure each family gets a food package in shaa Allaah.  I ask you for the sake of Allaah please help with whatever you can and help us feed the poor this winter.

The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him)
"Among the best deeds are to feed the poor and the deserving and to greet those whom you know and those whom you do now know"
 Saheeh Al-Bukhari Hadeeth No. 826 Book 2 Chapter 6


Thursday, 17 October 2013


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Some people seem to think that just because we are living in the UK there are no people who are struggling financially or struggling to put food on the table. Even with the governments help some people are finding it extremely, to the extent that they find it hard to buy food to eat or feed their families subhan'Allaah.

We decided to make food packages to help our brothers and sisters going through a tough time. We provided some essentials to help them along the way


Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Eid mubarak to you all & your families. May Allaah fill your day with barakah and make it a joyous one. Aameen
May He ease the affairs of all our brothers and sisters suffering around the world. Aameen

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu 

Once again we have managed to reach our target of £1000 by the mercy of Allaah azzawajaal. During these blessed days people have been extremely generous and I ask Allaah to reward each & every one of you who donated and shared with others Aameen!! 

Your donations will go a long way in shaa Allaah! It will go towards providing food, shelter, clothes & many other necessities in shaa Allaah. May Allaah aid our brothers & sisters in Burma and ease their affairs Aameen 

BaraakAllaahu Feekum 

Saturday, 5 October 2013



Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu

While the atrocities in Syria are being spoken of in the media and by the mashayakh, the on going slaughter of Muslims in places such as Burma, Mali, Palestine and various other places are being forgotten.   

Just a few days ago the mushrikeen of Burma have burnt down the houses of our brothers & sisters. They have left no one untouched from killing a 94 year old sister to stabbing a pregnant sister 7 times. Allaahu Musta3aan

They are in need of our help! Through du'aa, aid & donations! 

Wake up ya Ummah Muhammed! (Alayhi salaatu wa sallaam) the ummah is bleeding for every corner and yet we remain unaware and continue living our lives while day by day the casualties increase.

What will we say in front of Allaah when asked what we did to help the ummah?! 

Please for the sake of Allaah,your fellow muslims & the sake of your akhirah step up and help with whatever you are able to! 

Allaahumma ansur muslimeen wal mujahideena fi kulli makaan! 

TARGET: £1000 in shaa Allaah 

Were looking to raise £100 a day in shaa Allaah!

We need 10 people to donate £10 or 20 people to donate £5 in shaa Allaah 


"There are No days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these 10 days." [Bukhaari]


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu

Allaahu Akbaar wa Lillahi Hamd

Jazakum'Allaah Khayran to everyone who donated. By the will of Allaah azzawajaal then the generous brothers & sisters we have managed to reach our target to feed the poor this Eid al-Adha!

I ask Allaah to bless you all in both worlds & grant you all nothing less than Firdous al-a3la Aameen ya Rabb

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Assalamu alaykum warahmatuAllahi taala wabarakatuh

All praise is due to Allah. May his peace and blessings be upon the last and final 
messenger Muhammad Ibn Abdullah.

As some of you are aware, we are desperately trying to raise money for Udhiya (Qurbani) to feed poor families who have been affected by war and oppression. We would like to raise money to do Udhiya which will feed families that are in dire need. We will be providing (By Allah's permission) for those who have lost the breadwinner of their families and others who simply have no means of earning due to on-going conflict and negligence by the authorities. The bulk of our attention will be faced towards families who are experiencing all of the above, but in addition to this, have members of their families incarcerated unjustly. In the latter stages of my message I shall expound upon the reason for focusing our attention on prisoners and their families' inshallah.

There is far too much daleel (proof/evidences) from Ahadith and the works of noble scholars from both past and more contemporary ones, clarifying the obligation of assisting Muslim prisoners and aiding their families. By Allah, they are not in need of us - for they have Allah azza wa jal as their protector and he does not test a believer with more than they can bear. Rather we are in need of aiding them, so that on the day of reckoning, we may say that we came to the aid of a fellow Muslim and would consequently have an ounce of an excuse to present to Allah on the day when the angels will be in fright upon witnessing the wrath of the all mighty. Think about it dear brothers and sisters. The angels are sinless. They were created with the soul purpose of worshiping Allah azza wa jal. Yet if they will be in terror on this day, what will our state be? We seek refuge in Allah!

To witness what has been raised thus far is deplorable to say the least! By Allah, we are able to raise far more! 

Please do not give excuses that you have donated elsewhere. The companions (ra) would give and when they were asked to give more they would do so without a shadow of an excuse or delay. Uthman Bin Afaan (ra) would give continuously. After spending vast amounts of his wealth in the path of Allah. The prophet (SallaaAllaahu 3layhi wa Sallaam) asked for men to come forward and finance a battle and Uthman (ra) immediately responded. Upon seeing this generosity the prophet  SallaAllaahu 3layhi wassalam exclaimed; "No harm shall afflict Uthman after this day. No harm shall afflict Uthman after this day!" Uthman gave generously. Prior to Islam he was tremendously wealthy, yet following his conversation to Islam and the endless boycotts and wars against Islam and Muslims, his wealth was ever decreasing and unstable. Though his fortune dwindled with his continual financial support for the deen of Allah, he did not cease giving, making claims that "he gave" previously.

By Allah, how many of us indulge in luxury without even knowing it? Billahi alykum, how many of you need the things you buy? How many, must taste the things they spend vast amounts on tasting? How many, need to travel to places of entertainment to entertain the eye? Do we not feel for our brothers and sisters while we are engaged in this attachment to this dunya?
Allah says: "You prefer (pleasures) of the worldly life, but the hereafter is more enduring (everlasting)" Surah A'la verse 15-16.

We have a culture particularly in the west, where we religiously dine out as a form of socialising. Whether it be on a weekly basis, fortnightly etc. If we do not engage in such things our lives for some reason feel incomplete. Take this as an example - If a group of brothers/sisters intended to dine out during the week. If 6 brothers/sisters proposed dining out but simply decided to sacrifice this luxury in order to feed those, (for whom dining at restaurants is beyond imagination) on average, you could save roughly £15 depending on the type of places you are dining at. If you save £15 that's £90 raised by a small group of friends overnight! We are not asking you to sacrifice your entire wealth. This one instance of sacrificing will raise enough to feed many people who will make dua for you with their empty stomachs from the bottom of their hearts. As for you, you can continue going to your restaurant. Simply postpone it till the following week or the week after that!

Words do not justify how I feel. We plan to dress our children for Eid while others are buying a kafaan to bury their dead. We go through endless recipes spending huge amounts of money to eat on this day of celebration while others are preoccupied with the thought of how they'll safeguard their lives. The families of prisoners who wish to help are in a horrifying state. Many are being approached by missionaries carrying a loaf of bread on one hand and a Bible in the other. How humiliated are we? While this is happening we do not come to their aid, rather we are engrossed in pleasing our own naffs in this dunya. In Surah 6:32 Allah says; And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). So will you not then understand?

Upon witnessing the state of the Muslims during the genocide in Bosnia Sheikh Anwar Asha'ban rahimahu Allah once said; "I cannot stress enough on the importance of freeing our prisoners. The one who is dead has been given Shahada if Allah accepts them, and that's the end of his hayat. But as for the one who is in captivity, he is facing torture methods previously unheard of. Often these methods destroy them mentally and drive them to apostasy. That is why the prophet salla Allahu alayhi wassalam and our scholars placed so much emphasis on the importance of freeing Muslim captives. If believers are apostating in torture cells and we are still motionless, then I see no khair (goodness) left in this Ummah"

Ibn Qudamah Al-Hanbali said (Al-Mughni 9/228):
"It is obligatory upon the believers to pay the ransom money for the Muslim prisoners"

Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said (Al-Fatawa 28/635):
Freeing the prisoners is one of the greatest compulsory deeds and spending ransom money and other means towards that, is one of the greatest ways to come close to Allah.

Abu Dawud mentions the hadith narrated by Abu Talha Al-Ansari and Jabir Bin Abdullah, that the Prophet Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wassalam said, "No man forsakes a Muslim when his rights are being violated or his honour is being belittled except that Allah will forsake him at a place in which he would love to have His help. And no man helps a Muslim at a time when his honour is being belittled or his rights violated except that Allah will help him at a place in which he loves to have His help".

If we are unable to free the prisoners, we should at the very least create awareness and look after their families!

Please, I urge you again to give generously and if you are sincerely able to give no more than £1, please do give this as even £1 will make a huge difference to these people. We are working with brothers who will do the udhyia and distribute the meat cost-free. They have witnessed the situation of Muslim families in these areas first hand and confirmed the terrible state they are in.

You can donate using this link : 

Please forward to others.

Wa jazakumallahykhairan

May Allah hasten the release of our prisoners. May he remove the oppression from our lands and return the glory to the blessed Ummah of Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wassalam

Wasalaamu alaykum wa rahmutullahi wa barakatuh

Saturday, 28 September 2013

UPDATE! Targets Reached Alhamdulilaah For Moroccan Sister & Camps In Syria!

Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Baratuhu

Firstly by the will & mercy of Allaah azzawajaal then the kind & generous brothers & sisters, we have have managed to reach both targets for our projects alhamdulilaah!!

The first was the young Moroccan sister who suffered severe burns and the second was for the camps in Syria built for the widows and orphans. 

I ask Allaah to bless in both this world and the next those who donated Aameen! And I ask Him to reward you all 10 folds for each penny you gave. Aameen thumma Aameen 

Those who still wish to donate can so in shaa Allaah by emailing me:


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu

As we count down to Eid al-Adha in shaa Allaah, a day of worship & celebration and the coming together of families we often forget those who are not able to celebrate as we do or be with their family members as we are. We forget those who are orphans and are widows who spend Eid alone and with very little food etc those who celebrate Eid while their loved one is looked up and being tortured by the kuffar.

Ar-Rayyaan Sadaqah Project wants to raise £500 in time for Eid for our brothers and sisters who are facing Eid alone and with very little. Our deadline is the 12/10/2013 in shaa Allaah as we want to make sure the money reaches those in need before Eid.

Please help by firstly making du'aa for our brothers and sisters around the world and ask Allaah to ease their suffering & to grant them goodness in both worlds. Secondly we ask you please donate however much you are able to afford In shaa Allaah and spread this so that others can donate too.

You can donate via this link in shaa Allaah:

May Allaah ease the pain & suffering of all the Muslims in the world and grant us victory! Aameen

Young Moroccan Sister Suffers Severe Burns

Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu ya Ahlul Tawheed

Myself & another sister are raising money for a young sister in Morocco who suffered major burns when her home was burnt down completely. Her family are fuqarah (poor) and haven't been able to afford adequate treatment for her.. The sisters injury was so horrific she now has to have one leg amputated. Yet she has no money to pay for such operation or any money for an artificial leg which she will need afterwards.  

Here is the video of the girl explaining her story and her mother in distress after her daughter suffered serious burns (it's in Moroccan Dialect):

كوثر: غادي يقطعو ليا رجلي و بغيت غير نوقف على رجلي و نرجع لقرايتي

Our target is £1000 bi'idnillaah and we have raised £800 so far alhamdulilaah!!

I ask you all to help this sister in need, doesn't matter how small the amount. Your reward is with Allaah Jalla wa A3laa!

You can donate via paypal:

Payment can be made via Bank transfer: please contact me for details (

Please don't ignore... If you cannot help financially then please share the message on your walls and remember  this family in your humble du'3aas

May Allaah protect and preserve you all! Aameen


The widows & orphans in Syria need us!

Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

The situation in Syria is not unknown to anyone. The suffering of our fellow brothers & sisters increases day by day and they have no choice but to have sabr and put their trust in Allaah azzawajaal.

Ummah Welfare Trust Charity, may Allaah reward them with good Aameen have made up camps for the many widows & orphans in Syria. Their houses have been destroyed & their relatives killed and they have nowhere to go. The charity have built these camps to provide a safe haven for them in shaa Allaah and to try and ease their difficulties.

Ummah Welfare Trust has established a camp in Samarda (close to Bab ul Hawa), inside Syria, to support widowed and orphaned families. The camp houses 100 families and caters for their every need in Shaa Allaah

Families have been provided with mattresses, clothing, blankets, kitchen utensils, hygiene kits and given freshly cooked food twice a day.

The camp has a masjid, free schooling for children and segregated toilet facilities. Families also have access to a permanent supply of water.

However, to keep this on going isn't cheap and requires financial help in shaa Allaah. 

I am raising money for this cause in shaa Allaah, my target is £500 and have already raised £310 so far wa'lilaahil hand 

For the sake of Allaah I ask you to donate generously and help the charity maintain these facilities for our brothers & sisters in shaa Allaah.

You can donate via my Just Giving page in shaa Allaah by clicking this link:

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together.

[Sahih Bukhari, Book 73, Number 34]

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The one who looks after a widow and a poor person is like the Mujahid in the cause of Allah, or like the one who fasts all the day and stands (in prayer) all the night.”

 [Jami at-Tirmidhi]