Saturday, 28 September 2013

UPDATE! Targets Reached Alhamdulilaah For Moroccan Sister & Camps In Syria!

Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Baratuhu

Firstly by the will & mercy of Allaah azzawajaal then the kind & generous brothers & sisters, we have have managed to reach both targets for our projects alhamdulilaah!!

The first was the young Moroccan sister who suffered severe burns and the second was for the camps in Syria built for the widows and orphans. 

I ask Allaah to bless in both this world and the next those who donated Aameen! And I ask Him to reward you all 10 folds for each penny you gave. Aameen thumma Aameen 

Those who still wish to donate can so in shaa Allaah by emailing me:


Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu

As we count down to Eid al-Adha in shaa Allaah, a day of worship & celebration and the coming together of families we often forget those who are not able to celebrate as we do or be with their family members as we are. We forget those who are orphans and are widows who spend Eid alone and with very little food etc those who celebrate Eid while their loved one is looked up and being tortured by the kuffar.

Ar-Rayyaan Sadaqah Project wants to raise £500 in time for Eid for our brothers and sisters who are facing Eid alone and with very little. Our deadline is the 12/10/2013 in shaa Allaah as we want to make sure the money reaches those in need before Eid.

Please help by firstly making du'aa for our brothers and sisters around the world and ask Allaah to ease their suffering & to grant them goodness in both worlds. Secondly we ask you please donate however much you are able to afford In shaa Allaah and spread this so that others can donate too.

You can donate via this link in shaa Allaah:

May Allaah ease the pain & suffering of all the Muslims in the world and grant us victory! Aameen

Young Moroccan Sister Suffers Severe Burns

Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu ya Ahlul Tawheed

Myself & another sister are raising money for a young sister in Morocco who suffered major burns when her home was burnt down completely. Her family are fuqarah (poor) and haven't been able to afford adequate treatment for her.. The sisters injury was so horrific she now has to have one leg amputated. Yet she has no money to pay for such operation or any money for an artificial leg which she will need afterwards.  

Here is the video of the girl explaining her story and her mother in distress after her daughter suffered serious burns (it's in Moroccan Dialect):

كوثر: غادي يقطعو ليا رجلي و بغيت غير نوقف على رجلي و نرجع لقرايتي

Our target is £1000 bi'idnillaah and we have raised £800 so far alhamdulilaah!!

I ask you all to help this sister in need, doesn't matter how small the amount. Your reward is with Allaah Jalla wa A3laa!

You can donate via paypal:

Payment can be made via Bank transfer: please contact me for details (

Please don't ignore... If you cannot help financially then please share the message on your walls and remember  this family in your humble du'3aas

May Allaah protect and preserve you all! Aameen


The widows & orphans in Syria need us!

Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

The situation in Syria is not unknown to anyone. The suffering of our fellow brothers & sisters increases day by day and they have no choice but to have sabr and put their trust in Allaah azzawajaal.

Ummah Welfare Trust Charity, may Allaah reward them with good Aameen have made up camps for the many widows & orphans in Syria. Their houses have been destroyed & their relatives killed and they have nowhere to go. The charity have built these camps to provide a safe haven for them in shaa Allaah and to try and ease their difficulties.

Ummah Welfare Trust has established a camp in Samarda (close to Bab ul Hawa), inside Syria, to support widowed and orphaned families. The camp houses 100 families and caters for their every need in Shaa Allaah

Families have been provided with mattresses, clothing, blankets, kitchen utensils, hygiene kits and given freshly cooked food twice a day.

The camp has a masjid, free schooling for children and segregated toilet facilities. Families also have access to a permanent supply of water.

However, to keep this on going isn't cheap and requires financial help in shaa Allaah. 

I am raising money for this cause in shaa Allaah, my target is £500 and have already raised £310 so far wa'lilaahil hand 

For the sake of Allaah I ask you to donate generously and help the charity maintain these facilities for our brothers & sisters in shaa Allaah.

You can donate via my Just Giving page in shaa Allaah by clicking this link:

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together.

[Sahih Bukhari, Book 73, Number 34]

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The one who looks after a widow and a poor person is like the Mujahid in the cause of Allah, or like the one who fasts all the day and stands (in prayer) all the night.”

 [Jami at-Tirmidhi]