A small charity initiative aiming bring about ease to those facing hardship in the UK and worldwide bi'idhnillaah. [100% DONATIONS POLICY] Support us with just £1 a week in shaa Allaah to help us help others.
Monday, 26 December 2016
Asalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu,
It has been a few months since we have updated the blog but alhamdulilaah things have been happening behind the scenes. Our last appeal was for our sister in Morocco who is an orphan who lives alone and in terrible conditions. Alhamdulilaah you call came together and we managed to raise £522 for her, we will be updating you about her soon in shaa Allaah, please continue to make duaa for her.
Since then we were introduced to sister Fatima who was really ill subhanAllaah.She was suffering quite badly from nodules on her thyroid which had become severely infected. She was in need of an operation but couldn't afford it and again you all came together and raised £517 for her alhamdulilaah. We will be doing a blog post about her progress in shaa Allaah.
We supported a young baby (Basmah) who was undergoing life saving treatment and we received news that due to the Mercy of Allaah ta'ala then your generous donations she is now home, getting better and finally starting to have a somewhat normal life. Please remember her in your du'aa
What's next? In shaa Allaah we plan to do another food package project which will contain:
-Tinned tomato
-Tinned chickpeas
-Tinned white kidney beans
-Long life milk
-All purpose seasoning
-Sanitary towels for the sisters boxes
-Shower gel
If you wish to donate towards this project either money for us to purchase the food or if you wish to donate any of the foods mentioned above, Please contact us: arrayyaansadaqah@gmail.com
PayPal: arrayyaansadaqah
Please use Reference: Food Package
Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates. Link on the top right >>
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Asalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu
3 weeks ago we first made an appeal for the widows & orphans organisation in Oujda (Morocco). Alhamdulilaah we sent the first set of donations that were received on the 27th June 2016 as they were need urgently to purchase food for the families. Alhamdulilaah the money donated helped provide chicken for all of the families. Here are the pictures of the food packages being donated.
May Allaah ta3ala reward and accept it from you all ya Rabb.
Umm Rayyaan
Friday, 1 July 2016
Asalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu
As promised we have the pictures to show where your donations are being used.
This is the organisation that we are supporting in Oujda (Morocco)
They shelter widows and orphans and provide food, clothing and other necessities for them.
These food packages contain:
- -Flour
- -oil
- -sugar
- -Tea
- -Chicken
- -Chickpeas
- -Lentils
The first set of your donations which were sent on Monday 27th (picture of receipt is on our original post) paid for the chicken alhamdulilaah.
Everything is being distributed today bi'idhnillaah.
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May Allaah reward and accept it from you all ya Rabb.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Asalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
We are trying to raise money for this young orphan sister in Morocco, She is 23 years old and is living in quite literally a dump subhanAllaah. She has no income, no money for food or clothes or even the most basic necessities. The place she is living in, is not fit to be a home for anyone as you can see in the pictures. The place she lives does not belong to her, it belongs to Jews who abandoned it after they left Morocco and she could be asked to leave at any point. We are trying to raise funds in order to provide her with food, clothing and other necessities in shaa Allaah, This is just a starting point bi'idnillaah, we hope to be able to send her clothing, food and other things from here aswell as support her financially each month.
The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who sponsors an orphan, whether it is a relative of his or not, he and I will be like these two in Paradise,” and Maalik pointed with his forefinger and middle finger.
This is where you come in. Please give what you can to aid this sister through her hardship, even if it is £1. This sister literally has no one accepted the muhsineen who aid her with whatever they are able to. Even though she has nothing, she is too shy to ask for help subhanAllaah.
Pictures will be provided of where your donations have been spent and updates will be given. As she is a yateema (orphan) who is poor; zakaat is accepted in shaa Allaah.
To Donate (PayPal): arrayyaansadaqah@gmail.com
Please use REF: OrphanSister when donating
Please share with others.
JazakumAllaahu Khayran
We are trying to raise money for this young orphan sister in Morocco, She is 23 years old and is living in quite literally a dump subhanAllaah. She has no income, no money for food or clothes or even the most basic necessities. The place she is living in, is not fit to be a home for anyone as you can see in the pictures. The place she lives does not belong to her, it belongs to Jews who abandoned it after they left Morocco and she could be asked to leave at any point. We are trying to raise funds in order to provide her with food, clothing and other necessities in shaa Allaah, This is just a starting point bi'idnillaah, we hope to be able to send her clothing, food and other things from here aswell as support her financially each month.
The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who sponsors an orphan, whether it is a relative of his or not, he and I will be like these two in Paradise,” and Maalik pointed with his forefinger and middle finger.
This is where you come in. Please give what you can to aid this sister through her hardship, even if it is £1. This sister literally has no one accepted the muhsineen who aid her with whatever they are able to. Even though she has nothing, she is too shy to ask for help subhanAllaah.
Pictures will be provided of where your donations have been spent and updates will be given. As she is a yateema (orphan) who is poor; zakaat is accepted in shaa Allaah.
To Donate (PayPal): arrayyaansadaqah@gmail.com
Please use REF: OrphanSister when donating
Please share with others.
JazakumAllaahu Khayran
Asalaamulaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu
Alhamdulilaah we were blessed with the opportunity to help an organisation in Oujda (Morocco) that cares for widows and orphans. They help provide shelter, food, clothing and other necessities as well as teaching our sisters how to read.
We made an appeal to raise funds to help the organisation provide these services as they run solely on donations given to them by generous people. The widows and orphans are currently living in a garage as this is the only place the organisation was able to provide free of charge. However it needs a lot of work.
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Alhamdulilaah in total we have managed to raise £326.16 which will be spent on providing them we food, clothing for Eid and any other needs they may have, If you wish to donate please donate to PAYPAL: arrayyaansadaqah@gmail.com using the REF: WIDOWS ORGANISATION
With the first appeal we made £62.16 was donated and sent straight away as they need to purchase some food for the families to have at iftaar. (Pictures coming soon). The other amount will be sent shortly in shaa Allaah and pictures of the receipt will be provided.
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We also made an appeal to sponsor 10 orphans education, as they were unable to pay the fees (50 dirhams a month equivalent to £5) so many of them are not able to go to school. Alhamdulilaah we exceeded the amount we originally appealed for and 12 orphans have been sponsored. May Allaah accept it from them.
JazakumAllaahu Khayran to everyone who donates, shares and remembers the needy in their ad'iyah. May it weigh heavy on your scale of deeds ya Rabb,
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