We are trying to raise money for this young orphan sister in Morocco, She is 23 years old and is living in quite literally a dump subhanAllaah. She has no income, no money for food or clothes or even the most basic necessities. The place she is living in, is not fit to be a home for anyone as you can see in the pictures. The place she lives does not belong to her, it belongs to Jews who abandoned it after they left Morocco and she could be asked to leave at any point. We are trying to raise funds in order to provide her with food, clothing and other necessities in shaa Allaah, This is just a starting point bi'idnillaah, we hope to be able to send her clothing, food and other things from here aswell as support her financially each month.
The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who sponsors an orphan, whether it is a relative of his or not, he and I will be like these two in Paradise,” and Maalik pointed with his forefinger and middle finger.
This is where you come in. Please give what you can to aid this sister through her hardship, even if it is £1. This sister literally has no one accepted the muhsineen who aid her with whatever they are able to. Even though she has nothing, she is too shy to ask for help subhanAllaah.
Pictures will be provided of where your donations have been spent and updates will be given. As she is a yateema (orphan) who is poor; zakaat is accepted in shaa Allaah.
To Donate (PayPal): arrayyaansadaqah@gmail.com
Please use REF: OrphanSister when donating
Please share with others.
JazakumAllaahu Khayran