Asalaamu'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu
In October 2013 we decided to help our local community here in the UK, we decided to make up food packages for brothers/sisters who we're going through hardship or struggling financially. Subhan'Allaah we were contacted by many people who require a package due to some sort of hardship. We were even approached by a non-Muslim who had heard about the food package project and wanted one. We used this opportunity to give her dawah as well help her out financially as well. I ask Allaah to guide her to the truth. Aameen
Many brothers/sisters are either too embarrassed to ask for help or have no one to ask subhan'Allaah. We as an Ummah need to remember that our brothers/sisters in the UK have rights upon us as well. We should come together and support eachother with whatever we can.
Alhamdulilaah we decided to do another food package project to help more people in need in shaa Allaah. If you would like a food package or know someone in need of one, please use the messaging option on the blog to contact me in shaa Allaah. JazakumAllaahu Khayran.
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